The 4 Types of Forests Seen in Kerala

Who does not love to stroll in parks and densely populated forest areas with their better half or best friends? According to your opinion, what is nature and what comprises nature? The answer may vary from person to person. For some, the answer would be the presence of tall trees and emerald plantations blanketing the deep valleys. While for others it may be the exotic collections of various species of animals and birds that mesmerizes each and every individual. Nature always surprises human beings in many ways. Even if we spend a few seconds with nature it will gift lifelong memories. Nurturing natural resources is the foremost obligation of human beings. There would be no country in the world that does not possess any trees or gardens. Tress safeguards us from many natural calamities and purifies the air for us to breathe. From our school days, we have studied that planting trees will protect our life and deforestation breaks our life. From long years people have started to cut down trees for various reasons such as housing, making of furniture, toys, building skyscrapers and many more. Whatever may be the purpose it is the duty of people to plant at least two trees when they cut a tree. This is the only way to conserve natural resources. It would not be good to explain more scientifically about deforestation in this document. More than deforestation I would like to introduce the various types of trees seen mainly southern region India called Kerala. Due to the presence of coconut trees in abundance the state got the name (Kera-coconut). To enhance the tourism sector the forest department of state took several initiatives such as they built tree houses in the midst of densely populated forest regions so that newly married couples can spend their quality time without any disturbance. Like now several people for their family have started availing of tour packages to the state and explore the serene nature. Let us now have a glimpse of the various types of trees grown in the state.

Semi-evergreen forests


Semi-evergreen forests or commonly called as a west-coast semi-evergreen forest is considered as an intermediate stage between moist deciduous forests and evergreen. The forest requires a land area of 500 to 900m. The forest is home to exotic species such as Bourdillon’s great eared night jar, flying squirrel, Malabar civet, brown mongoose, nilgiri mante, nilgiri langur, and many more are seen there. Along with one could also find evergreen collections such as Mesua ferrea, Magnifera indica, Grewia tiliaefolia, Calophyllum elatum, Hopea ponga, Lagerstroemia microcarpa, and many more.

These types of forest are mainly seen in the slopes and hilly regions of Western Ghats and Andaman. The region experiences high rainfall upto4500mm and also extreme humidity in days of fewer rainfalls. Also, it is a place where high winds are experienced. In the west coast, tropical evergreen forest one could see tall trees up to a height of 50 metres. Wet evergreen and semi-evergreen climax forests are seen in the regions of the Western Ghats where windfall is high. The forest area annually receives a rainfall up to 2000m.

Deciduous forests


Deciduous forests are seen in moist places. According to their geographical specifications of the regions has been classified into two categories such as primary and secondary forests. The region experiences rainfall up to 1800 mm. deciduous forest is an intermediate between wet evergreen and dry deciduous forests. Dry deciduous forests are seen in dry regions of moist surfaces. Due to heavy grazing, the surface of the soil is very hard. Bamboos are absent and climbers are seen in large number in southern dry deciduous forest regions. The southern dry deciduous forests experience rainfalls from 900 to 1200 mm. primary deciduous forests are seen in Wayanad and Anamalai regions.



The grasslands of Kerala are generally called as ‘shrub savanna’. They are usually grown in the regions above 1500m. It is the place where shrubs, herbs and other important plants grow abundantly. one could also see animals, birds and reptiles in this region. The climate over here is very pleasing and moderate.

Mangrove forest


The mangrove forest is wetlands where plants and animals that are adapted to saline nature. Mangroves are mainly seen in upper portions of lagoons, creeks, and backwaters. Wayanad and Palakkad in north and Idukki and Pathanamthitta are blessed with mangrove forests. One could see various species of migratory birds, prawns and fishes. Urbanization, intensive grazing and many more are the reasons for the deterioration of the mangrove forests.

Now let us have a glimpse on the importance of conserving trees

  1. We can inhale the fresh air
  2. Wild animals and birds will be protected in the forests
  3. No scarcity of water and rainfalls.
  4. Pleasant climate
  5. No kinds of pollution.
  6. Can relish the taste of natural fruits without any fear of pesticides and chemical fertilizers.
  7. Prevent the soil from erosion.
  8. Trees absorb block sound and can reduce 40 % pollutions.
  9. People can have a fun time under the shadow of the trees.
  10. Youngsters and adults can practise jogging early morning in the parks.
  11. A tree is a natural form of an air-conditioner. In fact, it can replace 10 man-made air-conditioners!

From the above information, one might have understood the various types of forests seen in Kerala. Forest is the lungs of nature. Without it, no one could survive on the planet. It is our duty to conserve nature and resources. If once all the resources become extinct or vanished from the earth, no one could ever recreate it. Hence be vigilant while utilizing it. To learn more about the types of forests and trees in Kerala avail of tour packages. Accompanying your family and friends will make the trip enthralling and exciting. Among the prominent travel operators in Kerala Gogeo Holidays curate packages at cheap and reasonable rates for the people of Chennai, Delhi and Pune. They always give prime importance to customer’s satisfaction and comfort. To clarify the queries of the customer’s Gogeo Holidays operate 24×7 customer service centre. To learn more about it visit their official website. When packing your bags for the exotic vacation to Kerala do not forget to carry a high-definition Handycam and also enough money to buy souvenirs for dear ones.