The mystic land with an abundance of marvels


For nature and adventure lovers, Andaman is the land to visit; the place is a cluster of islands and a juncture of the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea. Unlike other destination, most of the islands in Andaman are unexplored and uninhabited. The land is a cluster of around 570 islands in which around a number of 20 are inhabited by humans. There is mostly covered with beaches and forest with a wide variety of plants animals’ birds and butterflies. The place comes with the union territory of India with the only active volcano in India. Tourists from all around the world visit this place with the help of different Amazing Andaman tour packages organised by tour operators like Andaman Tour Travel who helps you greatly in organising and planning your destination and stays in this place of wonders.

 Some of the not so known facts of Andaman Islands include the following:

The origin of its name


According to the myth, the name Andaman was thought to be derived from the Hindu god Hanuman, who was known to the Malays as Handuman. The word Handuman was later evolved to be called as Andaman.  The name Nicobar is said to be a subversion of the term ‘Nakkavaram’ which literally means ‘the land of the Naked’ as given in the great inscription of Tanjore of AD 1050. The term Nakkavaram was later modified over time to be known as the Nicobar. And such was the formation of the name the Andaman and Nicobar islands.
 Tribal life

tribal life

It was believed that the tribes of the Andaman Islands were posterity of African slaves who were once shipwrecked, but most of the anthropologists after researchers have come to a conclusion that the tribes are not Negros but Negritos. The tribes living in the Andaman Islands are clearly isolated and do not mingle with people. They are in less than a number of 500 and do not interact with outsiders. The North Sentinel Island is habituation to one of the most isolated tribal population in the world. It is said that during the times of tsunami when the rescue team reached the tribal village for evacuation they aimed arrows at the chopper to scare the chopper away. These are a group of people who are very much isolated from the modern world and changes.

Japanese occupation

Japanese occupation

During the time of 2nd world war, the British force retreated from the land witnessing the raging force of the Japanese army allowing the Japanese occupation of the Andaman Nicobar islands.
According to the historical recordings, Andaman was the only place which was under Japanese occupation during the times of World War II. These islands were a part of Japanese occupation for more than 3 years while some parts of India came under Japanese occupation staying there for a maximum of 6 months. The Japanese brutally ruled the land with massive fortification of the lands with building airfields, construction of radar for security and defence and a chain of fore shore pill boxes.

The language of Andaman Islands
The language spoken in the land of Andaman is mostly Tamil, Bengali, Malayalam and English, the availability of Anamneses as a language is very less among the peoples. This variety makes the land unique from other states.

Kaalapani the dark side of Andaman

Kaalapani the dark side of Andaman

With all the beauty and abundance of natural resources, the land has a dark side of it. The Andaman Islands have the cruellest prison of all times the cellular jail better known as the Kaalapani, a name very promising to the imprisonment in the jail. The construction of this cellular jail took long 10 years to reach its final stage. The construction started in 1896 and finished in 1906. Today the jail is been converted into a tourist destination open for all. The light and sound show at night organised for tourists will bring a small portion of the history of the place.

The happy land of butterflies

land of butterflies

Andaman is a land of beaches, island abundant with different water life forms, and the land is mostly covered with forest. The natural beauty of the land attracts a large no tourist as well as butterflies. A large number of butterflies migrate to this wonderful land to enjoy the beauty of the place. Tourists from around the world come to this land to witness this site, with the help of Best Andaman tour packages from places like Kolkata and more. There will be an availability of butterflies of different species and colours that attract tourist greatly.

Active volcano

Active volcano in andaman

Andaman is the only place that comes under Indian Constitution with an active volcano. The active volcano in barren islands is a wonder to itself. True to its name a barren island is a place which is not inhabited by humans. The only inhabitation in the island is of goats and bats. The place is completely covered with thick forest. Andaman is also a land with mud volcano which is a wonder.  The land has 2mud volcanoes in which one is located in Diglipur and the other located in Baratang. The tourist from all over the world visits Andaman to witness this natural wonder in person.

Fishing is banned


Andaman is the only land where fishes die of ageing. Commercial fishing is banned in this island. The sea of Andaman is said to have a variety of around 197 spacious of coral out of which a number of 100 is newly identified by the scientist. The presence of this coral variety gives a new phase and new beauty to under water experience of the divers and tourists. The waters of Andaman hold a variety of fishes with different colours and model. The transparent fish is a rare variety of fish available in the seas of the Andaman Islands.
 Dugong – the state-animal

Dugong - the state-animal

The dugong is a water animal considered as the state animal of Andaman and Nicobar islands. It is a rare species animal which under the verge of extinction. The dugongs are said to be very shy to mate which is the main cause of its extinction.  Andaman is the only place where special facilities for mating are made available for this sea animal to help it increase the population of its kind.

Above given are some of the wonders of the Andaman islands which the tourists and travellers may find interesting. Andaman Island is one of the most beautiful islands that come under the Indian Territory with a number beach islands and entertainments. The tourist could easily make all the fun loving activities available by choosing an Enchanting Andaman tour packages from Chennai with all the activities you wish to enjoy. The Andaman would give you a varied experience of the land of the beaches.